How to Prepare For and Survive Imminent Cyber Attacks

How to Prepare For and Survive Imminent Cyber Attacks

Will YOUR business survive these imminent cyber attacks?

As you will see in the video above, these attacks can happen to ANYONE, and the more protected your organization is, the better.

If you would like to find out how much exposure YOUR business has to these attacks, and, what you can do about it, Click the Orange button to perform your CyberSCORE Assessment and find out where your business could be at RISK.

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Video Transcription

Samsung Breached!
Okta Compromised!
Microsoft Source Code Stolen!

Is this REAL… or is it just FUD?

Approximately 2 weeks ago, Samsung confirmed that the source code for their Galaxy phones was in fact breached.

On Monday, source code was leaked from an apparent breach of an internal Microsoft server.

Then on Tuesday, identity provider Okta confirmed that a cybercriminal did in fact compromise their network.

And all of these events stem from the hacking group LAPSUS$, who seem to be in the news just about every day for the last 2 months.

And guess how they launch their attacks - PHISHING!

Finally, the White House issued a warning this week that intelligence points to an increased threat of Russian cyberattacks on American companies.

With all of this chaos in the news, how is any business supposed to know exactly what to do to protect themselves?


First off, start by tuning out the news.
It's important that you respond to these risks, not react to them.

And then, here is what I recommend:

  1. THINK BEFORE YOU CLICK. Before you click on a link in an email, hover your mouse over it and verify the URL it will take you to.
  2. TRUST BUT VERIFY! Every single email you receive from outside of your company. If it looks suspicious, it is suspicious.
  3. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. Report any suspicious emails you receive to your IT support team.


As I said, the majority of these breaches come from company employees who fall for a phishing scam.

If you are looking for a fantastic tool that will greatly mitigate your chances of being compromised from a phishing attempt, I highly recommend Ironscales.

Be mindful. Be diligent. Be safe.

Ross Brouse

President, Continuous Networks

Ross has served the IT needs of businesses across NY and NJ for more than 15 years. He's also the host of the Legends Of I.T. Podcast, a show for dedicated I.T. Professionals to improve their skills and respective organizations each day.