Not Updating THESE Network Security Settings Can Get You HACKED!

Not Updating THESE Network Security Settings Can Get You HACKED!

Do you need assistance in setting up your Home Router to protect your network?

The above video has step-by-step instructions on how to do the necessary updates, but, we know sometimes things just aren't where you expect them to be. If you're unsure or need assistance to set this up, contact our team.

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Video Transcription

Do you ever work from home?

Because if so, you're probably putting not only yourself, but your entire company at risk.

When you sign up for Internet service at home, oftentimes, the service provider gives you one of those little plastic boxes and then connects it all up for you.

Then they give you a Wi-Fi password, and you're off to the races.

Or, you go down to your local electronics or office supply store and you pick up one of these jobs, and you think you're better off.

And while either one of these options will get you connected and may even be fast…

They're an absolute TARGET for cyber attacks.

Can you imagine what would happen if your crappy home router was the reason the company you worked for got hacked?

Or worse yet, what if that company went out of business as a result?

Here are the Top 3 easiest, yet most critical steps you need to take RIGHT NOW to secure your home router:

STEP 1: Change the Passwords

There are two passwords you need to change immediately.

The first one is the administrative password that's used to access the web interface of the device and oftentimes comes printed on the bottom or the back.

The second is the Wi Fi password.

And please, do not use the password it's printed on the device.

And while you're at it, change the name of the wireless network and don't use something that makes you personally identifiable.

For example, I'm not going to create a wireless network called Ross's Wi Fi network.

STEP 2: Disable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)

They put this crap on home routers to make gaming easier.

But here's the problem. This feature automatically exposes your router to the internet to make these games work.

That's like going skydiving without a parachute!

Today I want to show you how to do it on one of these jobs, the Netgear Nighthawk router, but the process is almost the same on virtually every router like it:

  1. Once you log in, click the 'Advanced' tab up top
  2. Then 'Advanced Setup' on the left side nav
  3. Then click 'UPnP'.
  4. If you see this little checkbox checked, uncheck it and hit Apply.

STEP 3: Disable WPS

WPS stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup.

It's this crappy ease of use feature that lets you bypass the password and use a pin instead.

But here's the rub. That pin stays the same even after you change the password.!

And that means it takes only 11,000 guesses to hack your home router.

And that can be done in a matter of hours.

If you're working from home, drop what you're doing right now and go and fix these problems.

Did you know these vulnerabilities existed in your home router, and if so, have you done anything about it?

Because if not, you're absolutely ASKING FOR IT.

Link up with me on LinkedIn if you have any questions, and be sure to watch out for an upcoming video i'll be releasing on my Top 3 Home Router Recommendations.

If you found this information helpful, please SHARE this post with a friend, and FOLLOW me on LinkedIn for more cybersecurity tips.

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Ross Brouse

President, Continuous Networks

Ross has served the IT needs of businesses across NY and NJ for more than 15 years. He's also the host of the Legends Of I.T. Podcast, a show for dedicated I.T. Professionals to improve their skills and respective organizations each day.