Why Is Nobody Talking About Cyber Security Processes?

Why Is Nobody Talking About Cyber Security Processes?

Does your business have the right processes in place should a disaster strike?

How do you know for certain? If you have not conducted a Security Risk Assessment in the last 12 months, your business could be at RISK.

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Video Transcription

Why is nobody talking about processes when it comes to cybersecurity?

Running a business with a bunch of cybersecurity tools and no process is like a quarterback with an offensive line that has no idea they're supposed to protect him.

I'm sure you've heard the expression "when you fail to plan you plan to fail…"

Well, get this.

According to a recent report, 69% of healthcare organizations cite negligent or careless employees as their top worry for security incidents.

Listen, I get that nobody wants to do the work of putting together these boring processes, but also nobody wants to get hacked!

Just like that quarterback, all the cybersecurity protections you can put in place are great, but they're relatively meaningless without proper process.

How will your team know what to do in the event of a security incident if they don't have a process to follow?

If you do nothing else, create THESE three policies for your business:

  1. An Acceptable Use Policy
  2. An Incident Response Plan, and
  3. A Backup & Disaster Recovery Plan

Lacking the proper process when an event takes place could make the difference on whether or not you survive.

Do you have any of these policies in place?

If you're unsure how to create these policies, and ensure your systems will be set up to execute each of the plan's actions, contact our team today to get the right advice.

Ross Brouse

President, Continuous Networks

Ross has served the IT needs of businesses across NY and NJ for more than 15 years. He's also the host of the Legends Of I.T. Podcast, a show for dedicated I.T. Professionals to improve their skills and respective organizations each day.