Will Your Business Survive a Cyber Attack?

Will Your Business Survive a Cyber Attack?

Is your sensitive business data REALLY SAFE from a Cyber Attack?

If you're concerned about the effectiveness of your companies security protocols, and protection from cyber threats, click the Orange button to book your FREE CyberSCORE Assessment with our team.

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Video Transcription

On August 17, T-Mobile which is America's second largest wireless carrier, was hit with a cyber breach that affected something like 54.5 million customers.

This is both former current and prospective customers.

T-Mobile CEO has stated that a number of pieces of personally identifiable information were actually compromised in the breach, and this includes things like the customer's names, their phone numbers, their social security numbers, their dates of birth, their driver's licenses.

Hearing about cyber breaches of large companies is about as uncommon as finding a clean highway restroom.

Now what a lot of people aren't talking about is the reason they got compromised.

And that reason is because they left a network device, a router to be exact, exposed on the internet.

If you don't know what a router is, it's a network, a piece of network equipment, that moves traffic or allows traffic to move from one network to another.

This statistic, if you've never heard it, is something like 85 to 90% of all cyber breaches are due to human error, which includes IT people who make mistakes on things like routers, and leave them exposed on the internet.

Now, you probably don't have 54 and a half million customers of your own.

But for the customers that you do have, you really don't want to get their data exposed and have to explain to them that it was your fault.

Listen, you need to conduct security audits.

At a bare minimum, you need to do this on a quarterly basis.

Go through and use a checklist and test all of your security protocols to be sure things like this are not happening.

And if you think you're too small, and this can't happen to you, then let me ask you this question…

How long do you think it will reasonably be before this happens to your company?

And when it does, how easily do you think you'll be able to survive it because most businesses, they don't.

How are you being proactive to take care of your customer data?

If you're concerned about the effectiveness of your companies security protocols, and protection from cyber threats, click the button below to book your FREE CyberSCORE Assessment with our team

Book Your CyberSCORE

Ross Brouse

President, Continuous Networks

Ross has served the IT needs of businesses across NY and NJ for more than 15 years. He's also the host of the Legends Of I.T. Podcast, a show for dedicated I.T. Professionals to improve their skills and respective organizations each day.