5 Questions that Determine if Co-Managed IT Is Right for Your Business

5 Questions that Determine if Co-Managed IT Is Right for Your Business

Technology is an invaluable tool for business growth, but implementing it can require time, skills, and resources that many businesses simply do not have. If your business is struggling to scale, falling behind on projects, or at risk from inadequate cybersecurity measures, you're likely ready to seek help.

The question you might be asking is, 'Should I expand my internal IT team or would it be smarter to outsource IT support?

For many in your position, co-managed IT — meaning, an external IT provider that works together with your internal team — is a solution that balances the best of both worlds: having your in-house team of loyal employees working alongside expert IT partners with the latest skills and technology solutions.

Before making any final decisions, ask these five questions to determine if co-managed IT is right for your business:

1. Are your strategic IT projects being pushed to the side by daily break-fix problems?

If so, you're not alone. Most firms that use outsourced IT support report stretched internal IT teams as an early reason for seeking extra help. Unfortunately, even at the best-run companies, IT departments are faced with daily operational issues and "putting out fires." This can distract from the high-value projects that raise employee satisfaction and drive business growth. If your important IT projects are constantly being derailed due to a lack of time or resources, a co-managed IT partner can take daily help desk duties off your plate or give you the support needed to get your projects off the ground.

2. Does your in-house IT team lack the expertise or capacity to execute advanced cybersecurity, data protection, and compliance management?

This is another common pain point that can be easily addressed by enlisting a co-managed IT firm. These firms specialize in employing a range of IT professionals with niche expertise and cutting-edge skills. Since it is their business to enrich rather than replace your in-house team, their value proposition depends on having every skill that you might lack. With a co-managed IT partner to advise you, cybersecurity, data protection, and compliance concerns can be eliminated.

3. Do you need to scale up your IT resources quickly due to rapid growth or expansion of the business?

If so, congratulations. You're obviously making good decisions and getting more than a few things right. However, rapid expansion can backfire if your technology is not optimized to scale with your business. A co-managed IT partner can provide guidance on how to successfully adapt and scale your existing IT infrastructure. They can also further augment your success by offering frontline protection in the event of data loss or a security breach, protecting you with the latest cybersecurity policies and protocols, and ensuring that your data — and that of your clients — is secure and backed up at all times.

To learn more about what services you can expect from a co-managed IT provider, download our free guide.

4. Does your IT team need better tools, applications, and training to become more efficient and achieve better results?

A co-managed IT partner can help with that too. As well as possessing all the specialized skills that your team might lack, outsourced IT providers — and, by extension, their clients — have access to the best hardware, software, and systems on the market. They stay current with the latest technology advances and security threats. Leveraging this resource can save you from bad IT investments by advising on the most appropriate choices for your business, and they can also upskill your team with training on new tools and programs.

5. Do you have multiple sites that need IT support, but only the resources for your main HQ?

A co-managed IT provider can provide help desk support and IT services to multiple locations, allowing your core IT team to focus on your core operations. For businesses that fluctuate in size throughout the year based on projects or seasonal demand, a co-managed IT partner can be utilized as needed, acting as an on-call addition to your team. This negates the complications associated with recruiting full-time hires.

Have you answered yes to one or more of the above questions? If so, then co-managed IT is the solution you need.

Why Continuous Networks is right for you

Co-managed IT is what we've built our reputation on, for over two decades. With flexible offerings and the latest tools and services, many of our clients have been with us for years, allowing us to become an important part of their IT strategy.

If you want to learn more about co-managed IT, we've recently launched a new guide — The CEO and IT Manager's Guide To Co-Managed IT — which goes into a lot more detail on our services. Click HERE to download it free of charge.

>Prefer a one-on-one chat with one of our IT experts? Schedule a Continuous THREAT CHECK with our team and see if we're the right fit for you. Book your call today.

Ross Brouse

President, Continuous Networks

Ross has served the IT needs of businesses across NY and NJ for more than 15 years. He's also the host of the Legends Of I.T. Podcast, a show for dedicated I.T. Professionals to improve their skills and respective organizations each day.